Our Story

In 2012 a group of passionate community members gathered to discuss the state of Muslim communities in the US. A lot of good work was done with Masajid and Islamic Schools built all over the country. It is time to start building for the future. Al-Madinah was born, and over 400+ quality programs and events were accomplished since its inception. The main goal is to meet, complement, enrich, and empower the social, educational, and recreational needs of the Muslim community. Today, many of our programs are planned, created, and executed by the youth, our upcoming community leaders. Please help support our endeavor.

Executive Team

Reem Moosa

Reem works as a research assistant in the Department of Medicine at the University of Toledo, and pursues an undergraduate degree in Psychology. As an Executive Committee Member, she specializes in social and educational activities, such as many outdoor activities or family-oriented events like The Amazing Race. Her passion is to help create a long-term, sustainable institution that accommodates the community needs now, and for generations to come. When not spending free time with her family, she loves traveling, and learning about new and varied topics.

Aisha Sleiman

Aisha graduated from the David Epstein Program on Public Interest Law and Policy at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law. She is presently a lawyer with Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, the only civil legal aid in Northwest Ohio, where she specializes in housing and community economic development. At Al-Madinah Community Center, she is most passionate about the intellectual and social growth of all of its members as well as unlocking individual and collective potential in our community. In her spare time, she enjoys reading on Islamic law, theology, history, as well as spending time with her family.

Moaaz Alvi

Moaaz’s passion for Al-Madinah-like Community Center can be traced back to when he was young and spent a significant time working on developing youth events in a fun and safe environment. As an Executive Committee Member, he specializes in developing, organizing, and overseeing activities for all ages. Moaaz is a pre-Med student at the University of Toledo, enjoys Archery, Swimming, Wrestling, and Horseback Riding.

Jameel Saadeh

Board Members

Inas Hindawi

Inas is the founder, owner, and director of a real estate company, and also provides bookkeeping services to three medical offices. Inas grew up in a household that instilled in their children a thirst for knowledge and a deep sense of community. As a Board Member at Al-Madinah, Inas leads and supports many of our educational events and helps make the center “A place to call Home” for many of our youth, building on the values she was taught as a child. She is most passionate about the family environment that Al-Madinah strives to provide, as well as puts in the time and effort so our next generations can keep making positive strides.

Alaa Kanan

Alaa earned a Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Toledo and is a PharmD candidate for May 2018. After spending few years as an Executive Committee Member, she is a Board Member with a passion for organizing events that bring the Muslim community together. Alaa leads many of the center women and family-related activities, and enjoys most field trips and camps. She enjoys baking and spending time with family and friends.

Aalaa Eldeib
Ahmad Abdullah

Ahmad holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Toledo, is a Board Member, and has served as the treasurer of Al-Madinah Community Center since its inception. Ahmad’s passion is to help others, and to dedicate his time to the benefit of the community. At Al-Madinah, he specializes in lectures, workshops, family nights, and all the behind-the-scene details that make an event go seamless. In his free time, Ahmad loves to read, learn about technology, and is a top food expert.

Ziad Hummos

Ziyad is a businessman and entrepreneur in the Automotive industry. Before co-founding Al-Madinah, he served our community in various capacities, first as the president of the Executive Committee at Masjid Saad, then on the social committee, and finally on the Board of Education at the Toledo Islamic Academy for several years. As a Board Member, Ziyad leverages his passion for community service by organizing many of the spiritual growth and rejuvenation activities as well as facilitating youth workshops. Ziyad is most passionate about empowering the Muslim community both locally and nationally.

Mohammed Al-Nsour

Mohammad is an oncologist who moved to Toledo in 2008. He served in the educational committee at the Toledo Islamic Academy for 2 years. Realizing the need for a community center to complement existing Islamic institutions in town, he co-founded Al-Madinah Community Center in 2013, and served as its president since inception. Dr. Al-Nsour believes in team work and shared decisions, but his passion is youth development. He believes that the youth should have the opportunity to establish and operate Al-Madinah activities, and assume leadership when ready. He also believes in collaboration and forging relationships with other Muslim groups and institutions, as only together can we make positive change in the community. Mohammed is a talented chess player and coach, loves to play table tennis, and enjoys the thrills the sport of fishing provides.

Mohammed Abusamieh

Mohamed is a rheumatologist and co-founder of Al-Madinah Community Center. As a Board Member, he has served as the secretary since its inception in 2013. Before starting Al-Madinah Community Center, Dr. Abusamieh was the chair of the Board of Education at the Toledo Islamic Academy. "It is only as we develop others that we permanently succeed" is what drives Dr. Abusamieh as he leads many of our youth development and empowerment programs, as well as help develop the many educational workshops Al-Madinah offers. Through his community service, Mohamed enjoys the sense of a proud community coming together.

Zouhair Lazreq

Zouhair is a Director of Engineering and Technical Fellow in the Automotive industry, and holds a Ph.D. in the field of Acoustics and Vibration. As a Board Member, he enjoys developing and leading many of the outdoor activities Al-Madinah offers, as well as delivers specialized lectures to help young professionals succeed. Zouhair enjoys reading, fishing, intellectual discussions, and coaching martial arts. One if his passions can be best described by the saying of our Prophet (pbuh): “Allah loves from the person who does something to excel in it.”

Kamal Najeeb